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Elections are held annually in the Fall to replace members of the Executive Committee and Science Steering Committee whose term has ended. Committee Members serve three year terms.

The SSC Early Career seat is a 1-year seat reserved for an early career member of the community. Early career is defined as within 4 years from terminal degree. Seat is renewable for 1 additional year. Electee may run for a regular seat without prejudice.

New Members terms begin at the beginning of the calendar year.

Only Institutional Member Representatives are allowed to cast a ballot. Please consult with your Member Representative.

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee is appointed by the Executive Committee.  They are charged to present a slate of candidates for each committee such that each committee is representative of the constituency. 

  • Chair: 
  • tbd

Nominations are no open for the Executive and Science Steering Committees. XXX (X) seat is open on the EC and XXX (X) seats on the SSC.

Please email the chair to suggest a name for this year's slate of candidates. Nominations CLOSE XXXX.

Elections open: 
Election close: 

Terms begin upon election.

2023 Elections are closed. 
Thank you for your participation.